This Saturday, August 5th, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm the SBVAA is hosting our “Annual Summer Club Potluck/Barbecue”at Pico Park.
Setup is 4:30 pm, Cleanup by 8:00 pm
Pico Park
21950 Pico Street
Grand Terrace, CA 92313
Bring a hearty appetite and your favorite dish to share and sit down to lots of eating and talking! Everyone always enjoys this feast, and it gives us a chance to relax and socialize in a most pleasant setting. Martin Carey our esteemed Past President (and all-around nice guy) will bring a large BBQ to the picnic, so that we can enjoy that amenity; the rest is up to you! We can also use paper plates, cups, plastic ware and napkins.
* * * After Party * * *
Afterward, there will be a moon and planet party Martin & Sharon’s home, so bring something to look through. They’ll set up tables and chairs and look forward to enjoying the evening sky with you all. (I will have Maps & Directions at the Picnic. Tom)
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