Category: News (Page 3 of 15)

Near-Total Lunar Eclipse Nov. 18-19

On the night of November 18 – 19, there will be a near-total lunar eclipse visible in our area. Technically it is a partial eclipse given that 97% of the moon will be in Earth’s umbral shadow but that is very nearly total. The umbral partial eclipse begins at around 11:19 pm on Nov. 18, max partial at 1:03 am on Nov. 19, and ends at 2:47 am. Additional information

EventUTC TimeTime in RedlandsVisible in Redlands
Penumbral Eclipse beginsNov 19 at 06:02:09Nov 18 at 10:02:09 pmYes
Partial Eclipse beginsNov 19 at 07:18:42Nov 18 at 11:18:42 pmYes
Maximum EclipseNov 19 at 09:02:55Nov 19 at 1:02:55 amYes
Partial Eclipse endsNov 19 at 10:47:04Nov 19 at 2:47:04 amYes
Penumbral Eclipse endsNov 19 at 12:03:40Nov 19 at 4:03:40 amYes

Great Conjunction 2020

During the “Great Conjunction” on Dec. 21, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will be about one-tenth of a degree apart, their closest approach since 1623. However, they will be very low in the western sky right after sunset. More information at

Image of Jupiter and Saturn's location in the sky on December 21, 2020 for the Great Conjunction
(Image: © SkySafari app) via

Sept. 26 Stream of Big Astronomy

The global Premiere of the award-winning Big Astronomy Planetarium show this Saturday! In just 30 minutes, tour the incredible observatories of Chile and meet some of the dedicated people who bring us big astronomy discoveries. We encourage you to tune into one of four live-streamed 360º showings this Saturday. (These will not be archived, so this is your chance!)

Big Astronomy 360 Premiere times


Start getting ready for Mars opposition on Oct. 6. Mars continues to get brighter in the late night sky. After the moon passes, Sept. 4-6, train your telescope on the red planet to view its features (unless there is a dust storm). Do forget to observe Jupiter and Saturn while your are at it.


Newsletter Update

No you didn’t miss the January or February newsletters. Due to illnesses, the newsletter was not produced for these two months. We will strive to have a newsletter for March. Thanks for you patience.

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