Annual BBQ Meeting


Saturday, August 10, 2019    
4:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Veterans Freedom Park
21950 Pico St., Grand Terrace, CA, 92313

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Bring a hearty appetite and your favorite dish to share and sit down to lots of eating and talking! Everyone always enjoys this feast, and it gives us a chance to relax and socialize in a most pleasant setting.


Set up will begin about 4:30 pm or so and eating will commence after 5:00 pm. Our reservation ends at 8:00 p.m. Bring any kind of food you like, and everyone usually shares what they have. If you can’t bring food, we always need napkins, plasticware, paper plates and beverages too.

Last Updated on August 6, 2019


  1. Megan & Jamie

    Will be be there

  2. Mike Ratcliff

    Will be there.

  3. Tom Lawson

    I will be there.

  4. Sorry for the errant raffle mention. I did copy the details from last year.

  5. Tina and Randy

    Looking forward to a nice visit with all of our “star struck” friends!

  6. Chris Clarke

    I’ll be there, but there is no raffle–that announcement was for last year’s 60th anniversary celebration for the club. I don’t have anything to raffle this year—sorry.

  7. Anonymous

    I’ll be there, but there is no raffle–that announcement was for last year’s 60th anniversary celebration for the club. I don’t have anything to raffle this year—sorry.

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