Grandview 1


Thursday, June 23, 2022 - Sunday, June 26, 2022    
All Day


Grandview - Cedar Flats
Cedar Flat Group Camps, CA-168, Big Pine, CA, 93513

Event Type

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The Ferguson group camp at Cedar Flats campground has been reserved.

Moon Phase: 3 days before New Moon waning crescent moon

Sunset: 8:20 pm

Ferguson group camp at Cedar Flats


Clear Sky Chart:
clear sky chart

Tips for First Timer:

For those of you who have never been to Grandview, here are some tips to help prepare for the trip:

While the star party IS scheduled for Friday night through Sunday morning, some members do head up a day or two earlier. Do not worry if you do not have a telescope. There will be many ‘scopes there and we enjoy sharing! (We often get visitors from the campground – it’s always a pleasure to show the sights to a newcomer!)

The Cedar Flat Campground is located at about 7373 Ft elevation – be prepared for temperatures that range from very warm in the day to quite cold at night. The site can have gusty winds at times – especially in the afternoon. During the summer months, it is not too uncommon to get an occasional thunderstorm in the afternoon. Don’t forget the sunscreen, either – at elevation, you will burn much more quickly. This is a DRY SITE (dry and dusty!) – bring plenty of water – the closest water or other supplies is located about 20 miles down the hill in Big Pine. The campground facilities are limited to vault toilets – campsites have picnic tables and fire rings.

Meal Planning:

Saturday Morning we do coordinate a group breakfast – bring something to contribute to the potluck if you’d like.  Plates, Glasses, and Flatware are always needed.

Saturday Evening Dinner Pizza or Rubs (the club will be buying the Pizza or Ribs) and Pot Luck or BYOF. Please bring something to add to the dinner such as Salad & Dressing, Bread or Rolls, Drinks, Dessert, etc.

Sunday Morning we break camp and go to the coffee shop in Pig Pine for breakfast.

Star Party Etiquette
As with all star parties, please be courteous of other participants and observe standard star party etiquette. Here are some tips: Club members
enjoy talking and showing the sights; just be sure to ask before handling any telescope equipment. White light is of particular concern, as it ruins dark-adapted vision; taking up to 40 minutes for eyesight to fully recover. If possible, please arrive before dark. If you do arrive late or plan to leave early, please ensure that headlights or reverse lights do not shine on participants; use parking lights while nearby and park so it’s easy to leave without backing up. If possible, disable or shield car door and dome lights. Use only red diode or red filtered flashlights; red light preserves dark-adapted eyesight. Most
importantly, be prepared to relax and enjoy good company under the night sky.

Additional Materials:

Original Map

Last Updated on April 26, 2022


  1. Nick Broman

    Hi Everyone,
    Unfortunately I cannot make it on the trip this weekend. Wishing you safe travels and good seeing.

  2. Cliff B.

    be there

  3. Martin Carey

    I’ll also be bringing a 13’x13′ canopy for shade. That way we can have another place to sit besides the picnic tables.

  4. Bruce Herwig

    I’ll be up your way at the Bristle Cone Pines and plan on stopping by Saturday to say hello.

  5. Jim S.

    Health permitting, I plan to be there on Thursday afternoon some time.

  6. Chris Clarke

    Planning to come up Friday and stay until Sunday morning.
    Looking forward to it!

  7. Gerald Rezes
    Gerald Rezes

    I am planning to go up on Thursday and leave Sunday. I will bring up a grill and a dozen eggs.

  8. Martin Carey

    Will be coming with Bob N on Friday afternoon, will stay until Sunday. Will have the 20″ as usual.

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