Outreach – Oak Glen


Saturday, July 13, 2024    
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Wildlands Conservancy - Oak Glen Preserve
39611 Oak Glen Road, Oak Glen, CA, 92399

Event Type

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Moon: First Quarter first quarter moon

Sunset: 8:00 pm


Clear Sky Chart:
clear sky chart

Star Party Etiquette:

As with all star parties, please observe standard star party etiquette. Some tips: try to arrive and set up before dark; use no white light – use red filtered flashlights wherever possible – minimize white light from auto door and dome lights; if you arrive late or plan to leave early, take care to approach and park so your headlights or backup lights do not shine on other participants; if you leave early or must use white light, first give a warning so observers or astrophotographers can compensate; please ask before handling other participant’s telescope equipment. Most importantly, be prepared to relax and enjoy good company under the night sky.

Have a great weekend and I hope you can make it to the star party!

Last Updated on November 28, 2023


  1. Tom Lawson

    I have recovered from Covid and plan to be there. 🔭 ✨ 🌔🌙

  2. John Walsh

    I plan to attend with my C-8.

  3. Martin Carey

    Yes, I also plan to be there.

  4. Gerald Rezes
    Gerald Rezes

    I have a long day planned but I hope to be there. Planning to bring the 8″ dob that Steve Peeters donated.

  5. Chris Clarke

    Yes, indeed, I will be there.

  6. Reuben J. Arceo

    I will be attending the Oak Glen Star Party Event.

    : )

  7. Paul Morris

    We are both retired and are interested in astronomy viewing. We don’t have equipment yet and want to meet and see if astronomy works for us before we purchase equipment.
    Paul Morris

    • Gerald Rezes
      Gerald Rezes

      Outreaches like this one are a great opportunity to view through various telescopes and get a fill for what they can do. Please come out and join us.

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