Category: News (Page 4 of 15)

[Cancelled] Weekend Outreach – Oak Glen

The forecast is for rain and cloudy skies. The outreach has been cancelled.

The next SBVAA Public Outreach will be this Saturday, September 28th, 2019 at The Wildlands Conservancy Oak Glen Preserve. Sunset is at 6:37 pm, set up no earlier than 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Viewing will go from 6:30 pm to 11:45 pm.

Come on out for a night of fun under the stars.

Grandview – Trip 2

This weekend, for some starting Thursday, the club is making its second trip to Grandview in the White Mountains near Bishop. We will be camping in the Cedar Flats campground in the Ferguson spot. Hoping for clear weather and dark skies.

East Valley Water District Outreach – June 1st

The evening of June 1st (8:00pm – 10ish) there is an outreach scheduled at the East Valley Water District on Greenspot road for the Highland Chamber of Commerce. We will be having dinner at Jenny’s Dinner from 6:00pm – 7:30pm. No other events are scheduled for date. At the beginning of the year, a star party at Pioneertown was on the schedule but then this event came along and superseded it.  Individuals wanting to go to Pioneertown should communicate with each other. 

Rain, Rain Go Away

Both the Friday night, Competitive Edge, school outreach and Saturday’s Pioneertown outreach/star party have been cancelled due to clouds and rain in the forecast. Better luck next time.

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